Wool Dryer Balls, an Alternative to Disposable Dryer Sheets

How many dryer cycles do you go through each week? Have you thought about that? How about each month? A year? Well, however many that is, that's the amount of dryer sheets you've probably thrown out... 

A more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to these are wool dryer balls, specifically the wool dryer balls made by Nuptse Craft. Sold here at The Hope Shop and on our website, these wool dryer balls are hand-felted from 100% New Zealand wool by women artisans in Nepal. Using wool dryer balls reduces drying time by up to 35%  saving 35% of the energy that would be used when running each load. Not only that, a set of three dryer balls will cost you $18 up front and last you until you wish to replace them. Dryer sheets, though cheaper up front, adds up over time.

Hands Producing Hope partners with Nuptse Craft by sharing these products to help in their efforts to end urban poverty through empowering underprivileged women. 

When using these dryer balls, you have the option to either use them as is to simply dry your clothes or to personalize the drying cycle with essential oils, adding your favorite signature scent. You're probably wondering "What do I do with these dryer balls if they get dirty or if I want to switch up the scents?" you can simply wash them, and they should dry as new!

Intrigued yet? You can find these dryer balls in store here in Baton Rouge, or check it out online. Happy shopping (consciously), and even happier laundry-ing? Yeah, happy laundry-ing. 

Wool Dryer Balls: https://www.handsproducinghope.org/products/wool-dryer-balls